

flexible fullstack framework

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Access database, file-system, network resources uniformly from either Node or Browser. Includes nuxt middleware for Server Side Rendering the UI app.


Utilities for integrating feathers with nuxt inluding a starter template with npm scripts to live-reload, build and deploy app, migrate and seed database.


Render Vue uniformly on Node or Browser. Setup with feathers-client and feathers-vuex for availing feathers services as vuex store modules.

Quick Start

Use npx, if you do not have sao installed. npx comes bundled with npm version 5.2+.

npx sao npm:@feathers-nuxt/template-app --update awesome-app

You will be prompted to answer a couple of questions to determine how the template should be customized to your needs. Sao will then clone the template in this repository and put the customized template inside awesome-app directory.

If you already have sao installed globally, just invoke it with this template.

sao npm:@feathers-nuxt/template-app --update awesome-app # downloads template from npm
# sao feathers-nuxt/template-app --update awesome-app # downloads template from github


You may also use f3 cli instead of sao if you install it globally.

yarn global add @feathers-nuxt/cli
# npm i -g @feathers-nuxt/cli
f3 init awesome-app

yarn is preferred to npm, although you may use the later if you so wish.


Once your app is initialized, cd awesome-app to access your new project.

To start the application in development mode - watch files for changes and reload - run

yarn dev

If you are using an sql database ensure you run yarn migrate up to create necessary tables, then yarn seed to add test data to the database.

There are several other npm scripts defined in package.json. To list them all, invoke yarn run

A guide for included tasks is available here